Mindset - The power of mind
One of the best gifts God gave us as human is our ability to think & create thought within us. That ability is what makes us different from a mad person who has no thought of his/her own. So we can think & create any thoughts within.
Research shows that people's responses to lives are formed & shaped from the inside & then ignite by what surrounds them. These shows that our minds is a powerful tools of transformation.
Steve Maraboli said "Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it." This means that you can change your life with your mind. If you utilize that God given power of the mind, you can create a better life for yourself.
Wrong mindset is like a killer instinct which is so powerful of making you to see impossibilities on many possible things.
I look at the lives of those who sees evil in all things, I realized that there lives are always full of evils. Have you thought about that too? Problems never leave their life. Those who see the hand of village people on all things are never free from those village people. They link up any abnormalities happenings to them to one woman minding her own business in the village. Either true of false, what you thought often times reflects in your physical life.
Your mind is like a beautiful garden that produces ANYTHING you plants in it. If your mind is full of good things, you will surely live a beautiful life. If your mind is full of bitterness, your life is going to reflect it also. What you plant inside your mind is what your life is reflecting now.
This is not a fable; it is a system, it is how the creator planned it for us. It is what I'm enjoying today. God himself said "for I know the thought that I have for you". It was even written in the scripture that "as a man thinketh so is he". It was those thoughts of yesterday that is reflecting in our lives today.
Today I challenge you to create love instead of hatred, beautiful instead of bitterness & good instead of evil.
Before I conclude, Napoleon Hill said "There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought." Your thoughts is your life. If you are intentional & learn how to control it positively you will live a beautiful life.
Oyewole Oluwole
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