The Law of the mind: As you think is who you are.

As you think is who you are. This is not just a mere statement you say & let go, it's the foundation of who you become in life. It's either you are here today by what you thought of yourself yesterday or you are a victim of life circumstance & direction.

Steve Forbes said "the real source of wealth & capital in this new era is not material things - it is the human mind, the human spirit, the human imagination & faith in the future. That's the the magic of a free society. Everyone can move forward & proposer because wealth comes from within."

During my first 2 years at school, I was so ignorant of this fact. I didn't create life for myself, I was controlled by the circumstances on campus. What a pity I found myself not at the bottom of the class but in a lower class which was not cool by me because I'm not a dullard, I was smart.

But something different happened before my 3rd year at school. I was determined not to have the type of result I had in my first 2 years. Yes, I finished my program meeting my target not as a lower class graduate.

How did I make it happened? I was determined & It was that determination that put a burden of success on my mind throughout my journey. What your mind will do is to always remind you of where you are going & the mind will not sleep but always find ways to create ways for you. 

You will never rise above your mindset. If you attempt to change your life without changing your mind, your mindset behaviour will force your life to return back to its normal way of life. No wonder those who wins lottery after collecting the money for some times will return back & play more. It's not a curse from anybody, it's what you have that is influencing your actions.

If devil is going to attack people's life, he will first create an illusion to disturb thier minds. Devil understood this law, that is why he will make sure that he took over peoples mind & once he achieve that, it will be easy to do anything he wanted to do.

Have you ever wonder why it's difficult for you to change someone? You can't just change someone without changing the person mindset because the most difficult person to help is the person that resist positive mental transformation. 

Having a beautiful face without positive mind is like having a beautiful jet without knowing how to fly it. Until you understand the power of mind & learn how to master the way it work, you will never get much of what you want but what lives give you which may be the leftovers.

Your life can be predictable. You can live your life if you determine to take charge. Remember, the best way to predict your future is to create it. Your mind is powerful feed it with beautiful things.

Oyewole Oluwole


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