
Showing posts from August, 2019

Start Small

Everything big starts small. Even if you are praying, all God need is something to start with. If I was there when the disciples brought the 5 loaves of breads & 2 fishes before Christ, I would have shouted "Seriously? 5 loaves that cannot even bellefull me." But it was presented before Jesus & somehow the 5 loaves fed 5,000 people. Is that the way you feel about yourself right now & your dream? Let me tell you this; I grew up in a face me & slap you room. I mean a room house for over 20 years in one of the very local place with my parents in Ibadan. But somehow things work out. I am not yet be where I wanted to be, but right now am not where I used  to be. Now think about this, "your perception is your personality & what you see is who you become." If you limit your dream base on your present situation, you will remain where you are & never grow. Don't allow your present situation to stop you. The burning desire in you & ...

You Deserve Peace

It was a beautiful hangout with my old secondary school mates yesterday as we gathered to shared ideas together on issues of concern to us all. Getting back home, I reflected on those beautiful moments we shared together in school & I thank God for what we have become as an individual today & the beautiful future ahead of us. Guess the set? 2007. This morning, I'm not here to motivate you or to persuade you. I'm here to encourage you. Be a man of peace. Life may be wide & large, but I tell you it's a small world. You may believed that it's not possible to meet some certains people again in your life, let me tell you again it's a small world. You will be surprised when you meet them. We met yesterday & rejoice seeing eachother. I asked myself what if I've engaged in some kind of bad stuffs in our years together, can I be able to meet & received them wholeheartedly as I did yesterday? Ask yourself this: Where I am today, can I stil...

The Farmer and the Golden Egg

God doesn't leave anyone empty. There are things we all possesses. They makes our lives richer, they gives us privileged or let me say they are an added advantages to us anywhere we go. These are the things that make you different from others. As you are enjoying these things, you must be diligent enough to know them & take care of them. Mensa Otabil said "Enjoyment is enjoyable, but enjoyment is not permanent." What you are enjoying now may likely leave if you don't celebrate & take care of it. I heard the story of a young farmer & his goose. This story is best explain what I have for you today. This young farmer had a goose in is farm but was poor & things were not going well for him. This young man prayed to God for financial support & somehow God heard his prayer by using his goose. On the following day, his goose layed some eggs in his farm & among the eggs was a golden egg. While he was wondering what type of egg is this? ...


(Must Read) Ken Blanchard say "Feedback is the breakfast of Champion." What is behind you cannot be seen by you until someone inform you about it. No matter how smart you are, you can't see it all. I could remember when I started writing my articles, people will direct my attention to some of the errors I made in those articles. Up till now, I still have them around me. They watches my back & correct my mistakes. Today I am happy for having them around me. How often do you listen to the responses you gotten from people? You can not improve in your career, life or in your performance without listening to what people are saying about you. Listening does not mean doing - Note this please. Don't join those sets of people that says words like "I am me I don't give a damn on what people say about me, I don't care what you think of me, if you don't like me, get the hell out" & many other statements related to that. Sure it's c...

Desire and Decision

It's one thing to desire, it's another thing todecide & to follow what you desire. I've wasted opportunities in the past because of that small voice whispering to me "you are not good enough", "you can't do it" "you are not qualify" and so on like that. I yielded to those voices then & let those opportunities passed me by. I would have done it was what came to my mouth later. I urge you if you desire it, it pay to go for it. Life will not give you what you want, it will give you what you decided to have & pursue. That small voice echoing "I can't" in your mind can be replaced with "I can & I will". You won't know what you are capable of until you try. Try that business, try that idea, try that thing disturbing you. You have little or nothing to lose. Someone said "Easy decision produce hard life. Hard decision produce easy life". Which one do you want to produce? ...