The Farmer and the Golden Egg
God doesn't leave anyone empty. There are things we all possesses. They makes our lives richer, they gives us privileged or let me say they are an added advantages to us anywhere we go.
These are the things that make you different from others. As you are enjoying these things, you must be diligent enough to know them & take care of them.
Mensa Otabil said "Enjoyment is enjoyable, but enjoyment is not permanent." What you are enjoying now may likely leave if you don't celebrate & take care of it.
I heard the story of a young farmer & his goose. This story is best explain what I have for you today.
This young farmer had a goose in is farm but was poor & things were not going well for him. This young man prayed to God for financial support & somehow God heard his prayer by using his goose.
On the following day, his goose layed some eggs in his farm & among the eggs was a golden egg. While he was wondering what type of egg is this? He took the golden egg to the market & was surprised by what he heard. The golden egg brought him good fortune & settled all his bills.
On the following day, the goose layed another golden egg in his farm. For days this keep happening & the man was getting richer day by day through the golden egg.
As time goes by, he thought to himself & said "why should I be waiting every morning to have my golden egg deliver to me when I have the goose with me? I can have it all"
On the following day, he picked up the goose & cut it into two to have all the golden egg from its belly. Surprised! He couldn't found any golden egg in its belly. What a pity, he lost the goose & the golden egg.
The farmer lost the source of his wealth & his wealth. Thinking about this, I don't want you to become that man. I don't want you to lose your goose & your golden egg.
When you pray to God for financial breakthrough, He will not give you money directly. He won't! Forget about meeting someone throwing big money at you because of your prayer. Those ones happened when the Israelites were in the wilderness in the old testament when He gave them free things. That era has gone now. But He will give you an opportunity, an idea or a problem to solve.
Listen, if you don't take care of your goose, you will lose your golden egg. If you don't take care of your produce, you will lose your products. You must continually take care of that source where your products came from. Don't ignore the source in other to have more. You must continually improve your source & celebrate it.
Your source will continually delivered to you if you continue to take care of it. Your marriage, business, products, cars & all other possessions you have will continues to deliver to you as long as you recognize them & take care of them. Things about them will gradually leave you if you failed to appreciate & take care of them.
Don't be like that farmer that lost his wealth & it's source because of gratification. Celebrate your success & take care of your source.
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