It's Men's World

1. Someone work for a whole month & receive the sum of #100,000 salary.

2. Another person just work for few hours in a day & receive the same #100,000.

3. While someone was asleep & maybe minding his/her own business and receive an alert of #100,000 on his account just because another person remembered him & decided to pay him such money every month.

Look at these 3 sets of people: They all receives the same amount of money but how they got it differs.

It's quiet annoying & seem unfair to see a man holding something that you spent a month to have in his hand effortlessly. To some it might look like a short cut but to me it's a results of influence. God's call it favor.

Influence through God and through men are systems design by God to elevate man beyond human understanding. If you don't have influence through any of the two, you will live your life struggling to have anything you want.

Favor, grace & help are  tools God uses to skyrocket a man's journey. You can also enjoy one if you have a good relationship with God & understand men.

Men are gifts to man. Nobody come to your life for fun alone, they are in your life to fill a space.

If God is going to bless you, He will use man. If devil is going to destroy you, he will also use man - Men are tools.

The world is full of: "If you don't like me, I don't like you." That's where they missed it & it's the reason why the ministry of destiny helper is very rare in the society today.

A man can be stupid, arrogant, unwise or cruel. Do you know that they may have something that is very important to your life in which you might have been struggling to have? They won't release it until they know you. I'm a witness.

The point is never ignore men. If you don't like them, respect them because you don't have anything to loose. 

Treat others like yourself irrespective of their characters & values. They own the keys to your next level.


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