
Showing posts from April, 2020

You and your Brand

I went out yesterday flaunting my MASS 7.0  shirt in the city of Ibadan. Then a lady when seeing me smiled and said: "Jesus Geng." I smiled back without bothering to ask questions because I recognized the slogan and she also recognized the brand I was putting on - MASS. Is your brand recognized? I've been seeing folks both online and offline begging people for support to vote in a competition in order to have traffic on their brand or what they represent. Nowadays, lots of these activities are now taken place online where the participants are asking or begging people to like their comments or posts in other to win. Being known online or winning in life is not a days job or all about advertisement. It's about creating and building a brand. Brand is what you represent. It's what the people say anytime your name is mentioned. It's who you are. And when you build your brand, you will get the attention of your audience anytime you need them. For it'...

You have Dominion

The secret to the future is in the past – the beginning. If we desires to enjoy any products, services or anything in life, we must go back to the first of it's kind to know why it was created. This same principle is also applicable to man. If we truly desire to know our advantage and what we are meant to do in life, we must go back to the event that took place when the creator created the first man - Adam. When God created the first man on earth, He put Him in charge of everything and told him to subdue the land and rule over everything in it. God gave Adam an intellect, intent and the will to do and undo everything under him. I couldn't find any words of limitations from the creator to the first man. To the extent that God told Adam about the two specials trees in the garden and left man with choice. Either to obey or to disobey. Now that we have studied the first man, we can see that men are not truly limited. Because we have been giving a mandate to have dominion ov...