You have Dominion
The secret to the future is in the past – the beginning.
If we desires to enjoy any products, services or anything in life, we must go back to the first of it's kind to know why it was created.
This same principle is also applicable to man. If we truly desire to know our advantage and what we are meant to do in life, we must go back to the event that took place when the creator created the first man - Adam.
When God created the first man on earth, He put Him in charge of everything and told him to subdue the land and rule over everything in it. God gave Adam an intellect, intent and the will to do and undo everything under him. I couldn't find any words of limitations from the creator to the first man. To the extent that God told Adam about the two specials trees in the garden and left man with choice. Either to obey or to disobey.
Now that we have studied the first man, we can see that men are not truly limited. Because we have been giving a mandate to have dominion over things.
This dominion principle is still valid if appropriately apply by you.
You need to know that you are in charge because you have been given a mandate to subdue the land since the beginning. Meaning that everything is in your hand already.
Part of the many lessons I've learnt in life is that man can have anything he desire if he put his mind, and intellect to it and use his body to work it.
The reasons you were unable to get your desire before you are because you don't totally believe if it's going to be possible, or you are afraid or you gave up too soon.
Unbelief, fear and inconsistency towards anything you want will continue to rob you off your dream. But if you can focus, conquer your fear and not give up too soon on your dream; you will achieve it.
You have dominion over life, your dream is still valid and they will obey if you work in the direction of your desire without fear.
Instead of saying "I can't," say "I can" and "I will." When you say these, you give your mind, your will and your intellect the power to work together in other to achieve what you want.
What are your desires and dreams? They are still valid; don't stop going after them until you get there.
You will win!
If we desires to enjoy any products, services or anything in life, we must go back to the first of it's kind to know why it was created.
This same principle is also applicable to man. If we truly desire to know our advantage and what we are meant to do in life, we must go back to the event that took place when the creator created the first man - Adam.
When God created the first man on earth, He put Him in charge of everything and told him to subdue the land and rule over everything in it. God gave Adam an intellect, intent and the will to do and undo everything under him. I couldn't find any words of limitations from the creator to the first man. To the extent that God told Adam about the two specials trees in the garden and left man with choice. Either to obey or to disobey.
Now that we have studied the first man, we can see that men are not truly limited. Because we have been giving a mandate to have dominion over things.
This dominion principle is still valid if appropriately apply by you.
You need to know that you are in charge because you have been given a mandate to subdue the land since the beginning. Meaning that everything is in your hand already.
Part of the many lessons I've learnt in life is that man can have anything he desire if he put his mind, and intellect to it and use his body to work it.
The reasons you were unable to get your desire before you are because you don't totally believe if it's going to be possible, or you are afraid or you gave up too soon.
Unbelief, fear and inconsistency towards anything you want will continue to rob you off your dream. But if you can focus, conquer your fear and not give up too soon on your dream; you will achieve it.
You have dominion over life, your dream is still valid and they will obey if you work in the direction of your desire without fear.
Instead of saying "I can't," say "I can" and "I will." When you say these, you give your mind, your will and your intellect the power to work together in other to achieve what you want.
What are your desires and dreams? They are still valid; don't stop going after them until you get there.
You will win!
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