
Showing posts from October, 2019

No Procrastination

A doctor turned to his patients & said, "Bill, I have some bad news & some worst news for you." "Hold on now, doctor," said the concerned patient, "I can handle bad news & good news, but bad & worst news?" The doctor asked which one should be shared first & Bill wanted the bad news first. "Well," the doctor said sadly, "the result of all the tests are in & you only have 24 hours to live." "What? If that's the bad news what could possible be worst than that?" The doctor replied apologetically, "we found out yesterday & forgot to tell you." Bill lost his life in less than an hour after receiving that news. Listen. The effect in which procrastination will cost your time & your life will not be noticed until one day when you are in need of a thing & later realize that you have wasted lots of opportunities & chance to have or do it. What you can do now, do it n...

The Universal Law 3

Few weeks ago, I started a series with us on the topic The Universal Law . & I commenced with the law of Sowing & Reaping, the Law of Polarity, & today I will continue with another law call the law of germination. Law of Germination: This law state that whatever is planted requires some time before it comes to fruition. Let me tell you this, for every visions, dreams & desires requires a certain amount of time before they can be reached & manifested A seed planted today require some certain actions & effort by the owner before growing to become a tree, then produce fruits. Tree doesn't just grow up without series of effort put in place. Could it be that what you are passing through now is your seed time? Don't you think that you need to work for some certains period of time before having your desire before you? Don't be too obsessed with instant results. Thier is time for you to sow your ideas, work & put in your ene...

The Universal Law 2

I started a teaching series with us on the Universal Law. I wrote on why we needed to know this law & in the part one, I started with the Law of Sowing & Reaping. If you have forgotten, I told you that thier is surely a time for everything in life. When you sow a good deed you will also reap it seed. Let's moves into another universal law call: 2. The Law of Polarity This law state that there are two sides to everything in nature. That is every situations can be seen in two ways. Take a deep breath & observe this: if there is an inside, definitely there will be outside. Something that is bad hold a potential to be good. If there is negative, there should also be positive. If there is fake, there is original. God the creator of all things is call the lion of Judah, yet He is also call the precious lamb. By looking at all things, you will observe that there two sides to everything depending on the angle you are & how you maximize them. "No matte...