The Universal Law 2

I started a teaching series with us on the Universal Law. I wrote on why we needed to know this law & in the part one, I started with the Law of Sowing & Reaping.

If you have forgotten, I told you that thier is surely a time for everything in life. When you sow a good deed you will also reap it seed.

Let's moves into another universal law call:

2. The Law of Polarity

This law state that there are two sides to everything in nature. That is every situations can be seen in two ways.

Take a deep breath & observe this: if there is an inside, definitely there will be outside. Something that is bad hold a potential to be good. If there is negative, there should also be positive. If there is fake, there is original.

God the creator of all things is call the lion of Judah, yet He is also call the precious lamb. By looking at all things, you will observe that there two sides to everything depending on the angle you are & how you maximize them.

"No matter where you are today, everything you encounter is affected by the law of polarity that says there are two sides to this." - Gerry Robert

In your life you are left with options. To take advantage of this law, start looking for good in all situations. If something is bad, there is a potential of goodness in it.

The fact that it's bad doesn't mean that it's doesn't have something good inside it. Don't just close your eyes & blame the circumstances.

Be intentional & carefully look within the situation for their is something for you.

Joseph while in the prison did something. He never allow the prison to hold him. He told the man after solving his dream problem in prison that when you are free & blessed, please remember me.

He took advantage of the good side of his bad situation because the man have access to the king & later his messes became a message to us all.

It's time for you to begin to train your mind to always see the opposite (opportunity) in situations. If there is a way in, there should be a way out. Look for how. Don't stuck too long.

Use the law of polarity to your advantage & before you know it, life might probably be more easier for you.

Do you get value? If yes, please share & comment on the comment box below on how the post has bless you.

I remain your brother & friend,

Oluwole Oyewole


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