No Procrastination
A doctor turned to his patients & said, "Bill, I have some bad news & some worst news for you."
"Hold on now, doctor," said the concerned patient, "I can handle bad news & good news, but bad & worst news?"
The doctor asked which one should be shared first & Bill wanted the bad news first.
"Well," the doctor said sadly, "the result of all the tests are in & you only have 24 hours to live."
"What? If that's the bad news what could possible be worst than that?"
The doctor replied apologetically, "we found out yesterday & forgot to tell you."
Bill lost his life in less than an hour after receiving that news.
Listen. The effect in which procrastination will cost your time & your life will not be noticed until one day when you are in need of a thing & later realize that you have wasted lots of opportunities & chance to have or do it.
What you can do now, do it now. You must be diligent enough to maximize the moment you have & use it to do something meaningful to your life & everyone around you.
You don't know what tomorrow will bring before you, focus on today & kill all procrastinations.
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