The Universal Law 3
Few weeks ago, I started a series with us on the topic The Universal Law. & I commenced with the law of Sowing & Reaping, the Law of Polarity, & today I will continue with another law call the law of germination.
Law of Germination:
This law state that whatever is planted requires some time before it comes to fruition.
Let me tell you this, for every visions, dreams & desires requires a certain amount of time before they can be reached & manifested
A seed planted today require some certain actions & effort by the owner before growing to become a tree, then produce fruits. Tree doesn't just grow up without series of effort put in place.
Could it be that what you are passing through now is your seed time? Don't you think that you need to work for some certains period of time before having your desire before you?
Don't be too obsessed with instant results. Thier is time for you to sow your ideas, work & put in your energy so as to improve them & allow them to germinate.
This is the way to growth & productivity. Your dreams, visions & personal legend will make ways for you. All you have to do is to keep sowing & never give up.
Whatever you are trying to become in life will surely come pass. It only require some time before coming out.
Never rush the processes, your personal legend will not lead you astray, it will take you to your promise land.
Give it time
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