
Showing posts from 2019

Philosophy for a Happy Life 2 (Lessons I learnt from SAM BERNS)

I'm going to share with you the secrets to Sam happiness before Progeria sickness took his life in 2014.  Knowing fully well about his sickness, Sam lived a very happy life. Take the following advice seriously as you begin the new year: 1. Be ok with what you ultimately can't do because there are so much you can do. There are some incidence that you cannot help or have no power over, the best you can do is to let them go & focus on those ones you have control over.  There are lots of things in your life or around you that you can control, it's your responsibility to focus on them. Sam Bern lived his life focusing on things that have nothing to do with Progeria. He didn't thought about the sickness but focused on his own happiness. 2. Surround yourself with people you want to be around. Decide to surround yourself with people who have positive influence on you & on what you do.  Be with families & friends who makes significant I...

Philosophy for a Happy Life (Part 1)

Sam Bern was an American activist born in October 23rd, 1996. Died in January 10th, 2014. (17years) After watching Sam Bern 2013 speech at TEDx yesterday, my mind drew back to an event that happened to me in October 19th, 2019. Here is my story: I was coming home on this beautiful Saturday morning from a church vigil - the end of a 3- day revival program & like a dream, 3 arms men came from different directions & attacked me. Like a goat pulled down to be slaughtered by men, these people pulled my back on the ground & everything on me was taken away including my precious phone. Everything was taken with few injury on my hand. I remembered that the only song that filled my mouth was "You've done so much for me & I cannot tell it all - Narekelemo." Actually I don't know why. I came back home depressed but the song was in my mind comforting me. I got home & had my sleep without informing anyone at first. I slept before telling my dad, ...

It's Men's World

1. Someone work for a whole month & receive the sum of #100,000 salary. 2. Another person just work for few hours in a day & receive the same #100,000. 3. While someone was asleep & maybe minding his/her own business and receive an alert of #100,000 on his account just because another person remembered him & decided to pay him such money every month. Look at these 3 sets of people: They all receives the same amount of money but how they got it differs. It's quiet annoying & seem unfair to see a man holding something that you spent a month to have in his hand effortlessly. To some it might look like a short cut but to me it's a results of influence. God's call it favor. Influence through God and through men are systems design by God to elevate man beyond human understanding. If you don't have influence through any of the two, you will live your life struggling to have anything you want. Favor, grace & help are  tools God uses to sk...

No Procrastination

A doctor turned to his patients & said, "Bill, I have some bad news & some worst news for you." "Hold on now, doctor," said the concerned patient, "I can handle bad news & good news, but bad & worst news?" The doctor asked which one should be shared first & Bill wanted the bad news first. "Well," the doctor said sadly, "the result of all the tests are in & you only have 24 hours to live." "What? If that's the bad news what could possible be worst than that?" The doctor replied apologetically, "we found out yesterday & forgot to tell you." Bill lost his life in less than an hour after receiving that news. Listen. The effect in which procrastination will cost your time & your life will not be noticed until one day when you are in need of a thing & later realize that you have wasted lots of opportunities & chance to have or do it. What you can do now, do it n...

The Universal Law 3

Few weeks ago, I started a series with us on the topic The Universal Law . & I commenced with the law of Sowing & Reaping, the Law of Polarity, & today I will continue with another law call the law of germination. Law of Germination: This law state that whatever is planted requires some time before it comes to fruition. Let me tell you this, for every visions, dreams & desires requires a certain amount of time before they can be reached & manifested A seed planted today require some certain actions & effort by the owner before growing to become a tree, then produce fruits. Tree doesn't just grow up without series of effort put in place. Could it be that what you are passing through now is your seed time? Don't you think that you need to work for some certains period of time before having your desire before you? Don't be too obsessed with instant results. Thier is time for you to sow your ideas, work & put in your ene...

The Universal Law 2

I started a teaching series with us on the Universal Law. I wrote on why we needed to know this law & in the part one, I started with the Law of Sowing & Reaping. If you have forgotten, I told you that thier is surely a time for everything in life. When you sow a good deed you will also reap it seed. Let's moves into another universal law call: 2. The Law of Polarity This law state that there are two sides to everything in nature. That is every situations can be seen in two ways. Take a deep breath & observe this: if there is an inside, definitely there will be outside. Something that is bad hold a potential to be good. If there is negative, there should also be positive. If there is fake, there is original. God the creator of all things is call the lion of Judah, yet He is also call the precious lamb. By looking at all things, you will observe that there two sides to everything depending on the angle you are & how you maximize them. "No matte...

The Universal Law 1

Life is govern by laws & principles. The ealier you know this the better you live your life. "There are some laws that are universal, they work either you know them or not. Laws are designed for everyone  & you can take advantage of them if youk knowthem." - Gerry Robert I'm not talki ng about Nigeria Rule of Law, I'm directing you to the universal law. They are designed to produce results over & over if properly applied. Today, I will like us to take a look at the first law: 1. The Law of Sowing & Reaping: This is the first universal law which is the law of cause & effect. Whatever you sow & plant in the garden will produce a crop. What you sow is the cause & what you reap is the effect. Where you are right now in life is a result of what you sow years ago. Think about it, someone desn't just like or hate you. People don't just favoured or ignored you. They are the responses to what you have done in the past. You ...

What do you want?

If thier is going to be a change in your life, career & business, you must know what you want. By knowing what you want, you will know where to go, who to meet & steps to take. Jack Canfield said: "One of the main reasons why most people don't get what they want is they haven't decided what they want. They haven't defined their desires in clear & compelling details." You are not meant for everyone & everything is not meant for you. You can't afford to be used & dumped by men without been properly acknowledged for what you did. If you don't want to waste your time & effort as you start your journey this week, fix your eyes & focus on what you want. Be guided & intentional in your pursuit without hurting others. If you don't want to live your life anyhow & become just anyhow person, you must know what you wants & be ready to go after them. In your job, do you know your place? Do you know your responsi...

INSPIRATION: A message of hope

Have you been down with discouragements? Or you are experiencing doubts on what you are doing or not gaining relevance in your business? If yes, you are not alone follow me. After the meeting hosted by Gbenga Ogunbowale tagged Spectator to Spectacular yesterday at the University of Ibadan, I was able to met few of my brothers or I should just call them my boss (Larry & Timi) & spoke with them on what has been happening to me & how it look like I'm alone in this journey; but what I heard are like fuels that ignite my passion & lighten up my mind. I came to understood that many people gave up thier dreams not because they were not sure of when the dream will come through, they gave up because there are no one around to encourage & inspire them in difficult times. When you are committed to that business & it look like no one is saying anything about what you do, see it's just a matter of time; frustration & discouragements will come in. Negat...

Start Small

Everything big starts small. Even if you are praying, all God need is something to start with. If I was there when the disciples brought the 5 loaves of breads & 2 fishes before Christ, I would have shouted "Seriously? 5 loaves that cannot even bellefull me." But it was presented before Jesus & somehow the 5 loaves fed 5,000 people. Is that the way you feel about yourself right now & your dream? Let me tell you this; I grew up in a face me & slap you room. I mean a room house for over 20 years in one of the very local place with my parents in Ibadan. But somehow things work out. I am not yet be where I wanted to be, but right now am not where I used  to be. Now think about this, "your perception is your personality & what you see is who you become." If you limit your dream base on your present situation, you will remain where you are & never grow. Don't allow your present situation to stop you. The burning desire in you & ...

You Deserve Peace

It was a beautiful hangout with my old secondary school mates yesterday as we gathered to shared ideas together on issues of concern to us all. Getting back home, I reflected on those beautiful moments we shared together in school & I thank God for what we have become as an individual today & the beautiful future ahead of us. Guess the set? 2007. This morning, I'm not here to motivate you or to persuade you. I'm here to encourage you. Be a man of peace. Life may be wide & large, but I tell you it's a small world. You may believed that it's not possible to meet some certains people again in your life, let me tell you again it's a small world. You will be surprised when you meet them. We met yesterday & rejoice seeing eachother. I asked myself what if I've engaged in some kind of bad stuffs in our years together, can I be able to meet & received them wholeheartedly as I did yesterday? Ask yourself this: Where I am today, can I stil...

The Farmer and the Golden Egg

God doesn't leave anyone empty. There are things we all possesses. They makes our lives richer, they gives us privileged or let me say they are an added advantages to us anywhere we go. These are the things that make you different from others. As you are enjoying these things, you must be diligent enough to know them & take care of them. Mensa Otabil said "Enjoyment is enjoyable, but enjoyment is not permanent." What you are enjoying now may likely leave if you don't celebrate & take care of it. I heard the story of a young farmer & his goose. This story is best explain what I have for you today. This young farmer had a goose in is farm but was poor & things were not going well for him. This young man prayed to God for financial support & somehow God heard his prayer by using his goose. On the following day, his goose layed some eggs in his farm & among the eggs was a golden egg. While he was wondering what type of egg is this? ...


(Must Read) Ken Blanchard say "Feedback is the breakfast of Champion." What is behind you cannot be seen by you until someone inform you about it. No matter how smart you are, you can't see it all. I could remember when I started writing my articles, people will direct my attention to some of the errors I made in those articles. Up till now, I still have them around me. They watches my back & correct my mistakes. Today I am happy for having them around me. How often do you listen to the responses you gotten from people? You can not improve in your career, life or in your performance without listening to what people are saying about you. Listening does not mean doing - Note this please. Don't join those sets of people that says words like "I am me I don't give a damn on what people say about me, I don't care what you think of me, if you don't like me, get the hell out" & many other statements related to that. Sure it's c...

Desire and Decision

It's one thing to desire, it's another thing todecide & to follow what you desire. I've wasted opportunities in the past because of that small voice whispering to me "you are not good enough", "you can't do it" "you are not qualify" and so on like that. I yielded to those voices then & let those opportunities passed me by. I would have done it was what came to my mouth later. I urge you if you desire it, it pay to go for it. Life will not give you what you want, it will give you what you decided to have & pursue. That small voice echoing "I can't" in your mind can be replaced with "I can & I will". You won't know what you are capable of until you try. Try that business, try that idea, try that thing disturbing you. You have little or nothing to lose. Someone said "Easy decision produce hard life. Hard decision produce easy life". Which one do you want to produce? ...


The world we live right now is a world where people want fast things, fast cars, quick money, instant answers to prayers, instant success & breakthrough. But they forget the place of order. Don't get me wrong with the word order here, let me point your attention to something I call application of disorganized knowledge. It is one of the reason for our frustration today. Some years ago, thier was a man who bought an electronic gadget. On getting home he started operating the gadget but the machine failed to work. After a lot of frustration with the new gadget, he decided to go back to the machine manual to find out what could be wrong. He discovered that the new machine must firstly be connected to the electricity before it can start working for the first time. In response, the man did as he was instructed by the manual & his frustration ended. That was exactly the life many are living. Starting a process from the end is the reason why many are not getting resul...

You are not limited

I heard the story of a fisherman who used to measured any fishes he catch at a river side. The man once he catch a fish will measured it's size with a rod in his hand & if the fish is longer than the rod in his hand, he will throw the fish back into the water & let it go. When he was asked the reason for his action. He said & I qoute " the rod in my hand is the size of my frying pan which I measured with this rod before leaving home. So what I do is simple. Any fish that is longer than the rod will not fit into my frying pan so I throw it back into the river. " Amazing! Don't you think the man can cut those fishes to fit his frying pan instead of throwing them back to the river? Or can't he  buy another frying pan in other to have more big fishes? I want you to use a minute to relate this to your life & reflect on your attitudes to life now. Are you living base on what you have with you right now? Are your vision too small to accommodate ...

You are the seed

Living a life you want & becoming the person you wanted to be are solely depends on what you do with what you have. You don't need to become a millionaire before you enjoy your life, you don't have to go abroad before you hold dollars, you can make use of what you have to live the life you want. Yes you can. That little thing in your hand now is not just for you for decoration, it is for you for something. Don't despise it. Work on it, develop it, create value out of it & let the world see it. What you have is your greatest asset, what others have is not your own business. You are like that tiny seed which was watered & carefully monitored produced more fruits for the betterment of the people. Don't ignore your gifts & skills. Develop it & let the world see it. You are blessed. Oyewole Oluwole Emmanuel

The Law of the mind: As you think is who you are.

As you think is who you are. This is not just a mere statement you say & let go, it's the foundation of who you become in life. It's either you are here today by what you thought of yourself yesterday or you are a victim of life circumstance & direction. Steve Forbes said "the real source of wealth & capital in this new era is not material things - it is the human mind, the human spirit, the human imagination & faith in the future. That's the the magic of a free society. Everyone can move forward & proposer because wealth comes from within." During my first 2 years at school, I was so ignorant of this fact. I didn't create life for myself, I was controlled by the circumstances on campus. What a pity I found myself not at the bottom of the class but in a lower class which was not cool by me because I'm not a dullard, I was smart. But something different happened before my 3rd year at school. I was determined not to h...


Mindset - The power of mind One of the best gifts God gave us as human is our ability to think & create thought within us. That ability is what makes us different from a mad person who has no thought of his/her own. So we can think & create any thoughts within. Research shows that people's responses to lives are formed & shaped from the inside & then ignite by what surrounds them. These shows that our minds is a powerful tools of transformation. Steve Maraboli said "Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it." This means that you can change your life with your mind. If you utilize that God given power of the mind, you can create a better life for yourself. Wrong mindset is like a killer instinct which is so powerful of making you to see impossibilities on many possible things. I look at the lives of those who sees evil in all things, I realized that there lives are always full of evils. Have you thought abo...

PERSPECTIVE: A Threat or The way to Innovation?

I was having a meeting with my friends one beautiful day & after our discussion another issue was raised which caused a serious argument in the gathering. Though I was not interested in the argument but I observed how serious my friends supported their point of view either for or against the topic backing it up with Biblical references. At the end of the argument we all settled on the point that when we get to heaven, we will know who is wrong & who is right. I couldn't help but thought about it & related it to our journey of lives today that, it is not all about what that thing is, it's about how we see things base on our view. This is what we calls PERSPECTIVE - seeing one thing from different ways, seeing a problem with different solutions or embracing number 9 as number 6 depending on the angle you stand. I'm asking you today, how do you see things? Are you seeing things base on your experience or base on the future? Many call it vision. The fac...

The Power of Persistency

" Difficulties are opportunities to better things; they are stepping stones to greater experience. When one door closes, another always open; as a natural law it has to be balance ." - BRIAN ADAMS No amount of planning & preparation can stop obstacles from coming your ways, it's what will come naturally to you. But with persistency & determination you can conquer the obstacles. This is not the time to give up. Keep moving.